The Quality Life Network is a worldwide network of people
thinking reflects Natural Philosophy.
philosophy holds that in order to improve our quality of life we
must harmonise with the natural laws that provide the fundamental qualities
of harmony, optimal efficiency, stability and sustainability inherent in
Nature. These laws
must be of
primary importance in respect to our thinking
and actions."
That is to say, the Quality Life Network is a network of people who hold the
view that our quality of life can only be improved to the extent we fit in with the natural world and
harmonise with its way of functioning.
We deplore the Humanistic ego-centred thinking that
dominates our modern world and leads to Nature being manipulated to served human
needs based on subjective interpretation of experience without taking into
account the consequences and likely detrimental effects. These latter
often don't manifest themselves until some later time by which point the
perpetrators have passed on.
You are welcome to consider our Natural Philosophy to
provide you with some guidance to your life.