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Protection Of Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve- A GREAT PARK - Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve includes both the Long Bay coastline and the Okura Estuary. The latter really is the jewel in the northern crown of North Shore City's coastal marine area. It is under threat from development proposals. It is vital that as much of this area as is possible is preserved for the greatest enjoyment of future generations. The pollution threat to the Marine Reserve from development and urbanisation must be avoided. The best way to preserve the area is to secure it as parkland in public ownership. Thankfully both North Shore City Council and Auckland Regional Council have responded to the lobbying from their communities and acted to purchase some of this backdrop land. The Long Bay - Okura Great Park Society members are to be congratulated for their persistence to bring this about. The Long Bay Regional Park is visited by over 1 million people from across North Shore City and all over Auckland Region, as well as visitors from the rest of New Zealand and overseas. To me It has always been inconceivable that any Council would allow this beautiful park to be closed in by the structures of urbanisation. The wonderful vista of Long Bay and Okura will still be best preserved in a manner that harmonises with the green environment of the regional park. When I was Council representative on a review committee that revised the Long Bay Regional Park Management Plan I was influential in securing the commitment to preserve the green hill backdrop of the park. I am glad that part of this has finally been carried out. Has it been enough? That is for our community to consider further. Please be aware that there is a need to be continue monitoring the situation to ensure that emerging development does not compromise the area. Run-off and pollution has the potential to damage and degrade the environment. Future generation will thank us for the vision to secure parkland for their access. Look at how much enjoyment is gained now from the regional park. They will thank us, too, for ensuring that maintenance of the wider park area is satisfactory and that no environmental degradation occurs. We must do all that we can to ensure this. Why don't you play your part along with the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society and the East Coast Bays Coastal Protection Society.
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